mike tassone
Mike Tassone has a history of volunteerism and activism. He was a founding member of The Farm Community, an intentional community in Summertown, Tennessee. Founded in 1971, on the principles of nonviolence and respect for the earth, The Farm Community evolved from the largest hippie commune in the world to a modern-day ecovillage and a vibrant example of sustainable living.
While a Community member, Mike ran a printing press and managed marketing tours for The Book Publishing Company, which published books by members of the Community, such as Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin, Monday Night Class and The Caravan by Stephen Gaskin, and The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook and Tofu Cookery by Louise Hagler. In addition, Mike served as the sound man and tour manager for the Farm Band, which traveled throughout the USA and Europe promoting the ideals of community and sustainability.
Mike is now a semi-retired business software consultant, living on Long Island since 1985. He has been a “Marquee Member” of WFUV radio for more than 15 years, helping with the station’s fundraisers on a regular basis.
Mike is excited to be a member of Theatre Within’s Board of Directors and is looking forward to helping expand the reach and positive impact of the organization’s wonderful programs. “In my heart and my soul, I believe in helping people. I believe this opportunity has presented itself to me at a good time in my life and I am excited at the prospect of taking on something new.”